Saturday, September 29

Pumpkin Lights

Hey there Jammers! Good morning! Happy Saturday today!
So... Imma try and make a rating system.
 So today we have the Spooky Lights! A classic, of course!
Price: Excellent
Usefulness: Pretty good
While the concept of Spooky Lights is great, and they're easily spammable, the curvature of the item makes it a bit harder to find a nice place for them, seeing as it starts higher than it ends. They are cool though. AND THEY'RE NONMEMBER.
I wonder if I should rate things with stars, or out of ten... Or what... Maybe I'll do like, bad, decent, okay, excellent...
We also have Pumpkin Shoes! EWW. They're interesting...
They're kind of silly but kind of disgusting, like look at this variant?
 These are "Moldy Strawberry Shoes".
I'll have to refine my rating system tonight. IDK.
HMMM. I like the decoartions around AJ, suddenly there's a mood switch with the music and the darkness. It looks so cool.
 I like how AJ made Autumn so pretty, and then they added a haunted theme without making it ugly. Like, whoever designed this, despite it being a while back, good for you. Love it!
Hey, I will have more in my posts soon...
Have a spooky day and jam on!
P. S. Oh yeah... UGH. This table is weird considering we have octopuses in Jamaa...
LOL. Anyway, it's leaving!


  1. If you think the octopus table is weird, guess again. We had the hippo table and cheetah / leopard patterned stuff.

    1. ADD HIPPOS TO JAMAA AJ! Oh yeah... That's... Aren't they trying to deter poaching?


1. Just use common sense. Lol.
2. No swearing, sorry. :(
3. Don't be inappropriate.
4. Basically, say things as if you're saying them to a five-year-old.