Monday, September 3

Pixelated Rug

Good morning Jammers! Happy Labor Day! DUN DUN DUN!!! There's a new rug out with your name on it!
 See. I don't like this item. It's bland, and once someone made an inappropriate den with this item... I just... I mean, the price is okay and it's nonmember, but I'm not buying it...
 In other news, we have the Rare Superhero Mask...
Okay. For some reason AJ changed the regular Superhero Masks to "Hero Mask", (reading that AJ wikia on this item) so I guess this one didn't get the memo. But yeah.
Price. Ew. But this is super cool!
Here's my plan.
So a long time ago, I bought a bunch of these.
I should've bought more. But this is a recurring RIM, and so what I'm doing is...
I thought it would be hard, but people come REALLY QUICKLY.
 And yeah. I trade some RIMs.
 And now I have two.
But the thing is... These are never coming back. And they look cool. So I think it's worth it. IDK. I wonder if this is worth it. I kind of like the unobtainable RIMs to the point where I don't think I'll trade them.
Even if you trade boring RIMs, lots of people LOVE a free RIM.
 In other news, this person is invisible.
 This is funny.
 And this is annoying.
Are pink glossies worth the 1st bday cake?
Have a non-pixelated day and jam on!


  1. The 1st Bday cake would be worth pink glossies, but lol good luck trading for that. Old items like 1 st bday cake etc can be hard to trade for. (personally i wouldn't except the trade lol)

    That royal garden is really annoying why are people even trying to trick you. I remember when red painted pots came back in stores and I didn't know so this random person traded me the items, I thought I was getting an overtrade oof.

    I kinda like the pixelated rug, I mean its like a flooring item which is cool. I like the simplicity of it.

  2. The first birthday cake is one of my dream items, don't know why I don't have it, TBH, it's always a good item and so little in quantity, I'd give away my spike for that.
    Oh wait, I don't have a spike.

  3. Aaah I want that super hero mask.


1. Just use common sense. Lol.
2. No swearing, sorry. :(
3. Don't be inappropriate.
4. Basically, say things as if you're saying them to a five-year-old.