Thursday, September 27

Leaf Rug!!!

GOOD MORNING JAMMERS! HOW'S YOUR DAY GOING?! Well, I guess you just got up probably.
Or maybe you didn't! I have no idea when you're reading this... MAYBE YOU'RE FROM THE FUTURE!!! HELLO!!!!!
Anyway. There is a new item today. WAIT, MAYBE THERE'S AN UPDATE TOO!!
Stay tuned for tomorrow's post!
Anyway, new item. Lol.
Oooh, another uncommon item you don't really see around. Nice price. It looks a tad weird to me, though... IDK. Good price!
This is sold in Treetop Gardens by the way.

HEY. Have you guys ever noticed... THIS?
 It's centered.
  It's centered.
  It's centered.

OH! I saw this today and made a fart joke.
 I wonder if you can say fart in AJ. HMMMM...
Let's find out!
OH. I guess you can.
 Oh, and I saw this guy again. I see him and Dad a lot.

Oh, also, I'm going to try to respond to comments now... Basically, if the new post is up, I should've responded to the comments from yesterday...

Have a strawberry-licious day and jam on!
P. S. And yeah, this item is going away... Forever... Well, maybe a while. It will probably come back. BUT GET IT WHILE YOU CAN.
P. P. S. Not that any of you are member, lol.


1. Just use common sense. Lol.
2. No swearing, sorry. :(
3. Don't be inappropriate.
4. Basically, say things as if you're saying them to a five-year-old.