Friday, September 14

GOOD JOB AJ NICE UPDATE!!! (100,000,000 Jammers! :O)

Do I have a post for you guys today, Jammers! Good morning and welcome to the ultimate update recap showdown!
Today we'll be telling you what you already know, showing you what you've already seen and making the same inferences you made yesterday!
Are you READY!?

But first! New item!
 Today we have the Acorn Chair again, haven't seen this item around that much so, good job bringing it back. A fun item, the brown variant blends in very well...
 We also have the Maple Leaf Skirt. This item just looks fantastic, I love it, it's very pretty.

Just like you!

LOL. Well, now that that's out of the way... Let's see what's new about AJ, shall we?
First of all, new loading screens.
 And as you'll notice in both of these, we have some overlapping.
 And when you enter Jamaa...
Where's the update?
 False alarm, there is an update. YES!!! Let's go through it now!
 Bounce House den is back!

Okay AJ, I have to break something to you.

Jammers are not interesting in recurring dens.

When there is a new update and this is the first thing they see, their excitement for the update isn't as high.

 We got this fancy den in here.
 Rainbow000Pegasus was complaining about this not three days ago... Excellent! I like this, this is actually a big deal. Now we can spam random letters! And make typos!
A LOT of Jammers are super happy about this.
I mean, I could make typos and right whatever I wanted on this blog anyway... But. OKAY. Anyway.
OH! Here's something exciting!
 Nice. So another variant... Cool.
So it's a redecorated regular den.

But I really, really like this.


This means that AJ might make seasonal dens.

Imagine! A Winter Small House den, a Summer Small House den... Dens could become collectible things. IMAGINE CHANGING YOUR DEN EACH SEASON. That'd be so cool. And I like this, the colors are very pretty.
 We also have the new Bounce House party...
 Note: The seal glitch works on bouncy items when you are jumping, even if you are not hopping.
 OH. Please let this pool be the new item! Awwwww...
 Well there we go. This wolf had to spoil everything.
 We have another cardboard item!
 Eh. It's nonmember. I'll take it.
 Rainbow000Pegasus was also kind enough to point out that you can click the fire also to get to the cardboard item...
 That's interesting. Not sure why. ANYWAY! Moving on!
Cool. So Rhinos are here. And they're cheap.
 Aw, I wish the pets were nonmember...
Hm. So first of all Autumn Armor.
 Very fancy...
Cool. I love that cape for some reason. I mean, it's a nice armor... Nothing I'm raving about too much, but AJ put effort into it. Very nice AJ, I love it. Seasonal armors are coming out with dens, then? (HINT)
OH. Looks like Long Shot is x2 gems. And there's a big obnoxious sign in Coral Canyons to tell you.

I would play it to tell you if it's worth playing it to get gems.

But it's kind of.

A Long Shot.


 SIGH. Tomorrow I'm going to have no content because everything I have is going into today's update.

But yeah, we also have banners around Jamaa.
 They say some pretty interesting things, at least the few that I found, I recommend looking for these on your own, I won't spoil them here... (Well, maybe I could... Hm)
 Tiki Trouble is leaving, Night of the Phantoms is coming... WAIT.
 Prepare shouldn't be capitalized. Typo. I FOUND ANOTHER TYPO. Let's start that now. We will find a typo and every AJ update. So glad we found that.
Then we got this stuff.

Okay! We also had some new items yesterday!
We have the Leaf Pile! Aw, I wish the other one was back too, but then again, I have some of them and so they're rare...
 If you click it, it rakes the leaves!
 Yo, the colors are very nice, AJ has leaves all over, AJ went all out with this Autumn thing.
 See, AJ put quite the bit of effort into this update. I love it. Nice job, AJHQ! Very happy!
See, when AJ fills up the whole bar, despite the last two pages being ads, AJ did a good job this update. The perfect amount. Very nice.
 OH! In Treetop Gardens...
 Well I guess that's back. Very nice!
Also, yesterday some Maple Leaf Glasses came out.
 Gosh, the news just keeps coming on and on... Oh yeah.
And, I found this from Rainbow000Pegasus's Blog...
We have a super cool item in Outback Imports. Love the colors!
These are fun! Very nice.
 Do you see it?
 Oh come on, you have to see it...

New segment will be added, every single update we will try to find an update!
Also, we have a new jam-a-gram...
 Super cool. I like having this as the default one, very festive.

And lastly, the wind armor is leaving, the helmet left yesterday and I forgot to post it...
So today this is leaving.
Have a chillax day and jam on!


  1. This update is the best!!!! I know I'm late but I can't wait to have time to post about it lol


1. Just use common sense. Lol.
2. No swearing, sorry. :(
3. Don't be inappropriate.
4. Basically, say things as if you're saying them to a five-year-old.