Monday, October 8

Rare Box Head

I'm over here.
And now I'm over here.
Isn't this crazy?
How are you supposed to read the RIM?
LOL. Okay. Good morning, Jammers! Jammers. Is that capitalized? IDK.
Anyway, we have the new item(s)!
First up is the Spooky Lantern! OMG. THIS PRICE IS SO GOOD. Because the lamp is so awesome. I would totally buy it if I could... (NO MEMBERSHIP AW) Lol. Anyway, it's bouncing back and forth all crazy! 
Also, today I saw these two guys who seemed like they were important. So I screenshotted Bazazan and Arcticxpup in case they were famous. LOL.
 YASSSSSSS GIMMME GIMME!!! LOL. This is a great item! And it makes sense seeing as the Box Head just came out!
 GIVE IT TO MEH! This could become part of my actual outfit, I kind of want it to!
Well. I'm out of gems...
 Also, underwater...
 We have the Skeleton Suit! The land one will probably be coming soon! A very popular item, however, since this one is underwater it's not that popular! Lol.
Lastly, we have Monster Teeth. Super cool! I like putting these on a wolf, it makes them look vicious, great for those Warrior Cat roleplays in which I never knew what the heck was going on.

HMMM. Still no new items in Treetop Gardens after a whole week... Interesting.

You know, today I was going to impersonate Violet from the AJLP but the post was just... Confusing. AND RIM REDOS ARE HARD. LOL. You guys should check out the Animal Jam Legendary Palooza! And all of the other blogs on the more blogs list.

Have a violet day and jam on!


  1. :OOO I NEED THAT RARE BOX HAT ASAP!! Box monster needs a Halloween costume!

    Thanks for the shout out XD

    1. LOL. Yeah. Hehehe... Yeah, the Box Head thing is amazing.

  2. You literally stock up on everything...
    Being an ex-member though you'd have 1000 inventory so that's way more than you need.


1. Just use common sense. Lol.
2. No swearing, sorry. :(
3. Don't be inappropriate.
4. Basically, say things as if you're saying them to a five-year-old.