Sunday, October 14

Random Post + Scary Balloons

Yesterday I ran a 5k in nineteen minutes on the dot! I'm so excited and tired! Well. Enough about me.
Most of these items came out yesterday or Friday or Thursday... Not today.
Scary Balloons! One of the first items I bought on AJ I think... Wow. BACK IN MY DAY THEY WERE ONLY 150 GEMS. Wait, do they... OMG I WONDER IF THEY ALL RECYCLE FOR THE SAME PRICE. 
 So here are the balloons I bought today, along with the two from like five, six years ago.
The new ones are sixty gems... And...
AWWWWWW... I was hoping I'd have some special old Scary Balloons that you could recycle for a different price... Oh well.
YOOOO SOMEONE WAS WEARING THE NEW SCARY EYEBALL MASK (as seen above) AND IT WAS SO BIG and I just missed the screenshot because they switched to the Epic Bat Hat.
Also, it seems penguins have started an underwater revolution... WOW.
This is how I remember AJ back in the day...
OH. I also tried Cosmo's adventure thing yesterday...
What a giant tomato...

Sunday is that day where I kind of fix up things that I needed to do during the week that I didn't. Hm. I made a few of the pages Verdana, the new font, someday I will make every page that font but for now...
OH. Also, I saw this yesterday.
Hm. Could it be legit?
They were actually quitting and giving away nonmember den betas...
Wow. Sweet.
HM. Anyway...
I tried to fill my den with my cakes...
 They started to glitch out a bit.
Oh. And I got a Dodo pet.
Flyingflyer... I remember back in they where everyone was named Majormajormajor.
Have a major day and jam on!
P. S. The SandMan is... being blown away!!!


  1. Oh dang I remembered the Major Majormajor thing! Then they'd dress up the same and dance in the Temple of Zios or Jamaa Township...
    Ah, that explains why I thought, "Hey, I don't think the Scary Balloons was that expensive" when I looked at it. Also dang, that's a LOT of betas. I don't see Cami's Frog though-

    Also to reply to yesterday's comment, it's Otogi: Spirit Agents.

  2. Lots of stuff XD That giant bat hat looks AWESOME!


1. Just use common sense. Lol.
2. No swearing, sorry. :(
3. Don't be inappropriate.
4. Basically, say things as if you're saying them to a five-year-old.