Tuesday, October 16

Cauldron Pool

Hello Jammers!! It's a double exclamation point day! Happy Tuesday, let's look at the new item, why not? I hope y'all are doing wellllll...
Today we have the Cauldron Pool!
Woah, it kind of just looks like a pool with two things on each end. Very flat... Kind of silly AJ. I kind of like how the design feels unpractical, like, look at that tiny diving board, you'd hurt your head diving in...
We also have the Hero Cape underwater. Nice.
UMMMM... Here's the full demon armor. 
I mean, wicked armor.
IDK. I missed the RIM yesterday... I think it came out a bit late though. But yeah.
The Rare Spooky Happy Cat Hat. Quite a name, quite a name...
 This guy traded me the RIM for only one RIM... Nice.
Ummm... Aldan in Sarepia Forest seems to be a roleplaying mess. 
And yeah.
So. I have some big stuff going on this week.
AKA this post ends now.
Have a exclamation pointed day and jam on!

P. S. As seen above, you ever notice how people use AKA but it really doesn't make sense? Like, "As known as this post ends now?" Lol.


1. Just use common sense. Lol.
2. No swearing, sorry. :(
3. Don't be inappropriate.
4. Basically, say things as if you're saying them to a five-year-old.