Tuesday, October 9

Inktober + Jack-O' Wall Sticker Organ Rug

Hm. I wonder where that statement came from.
Good morning and happy Tuesday! New item!
We have the Jack-O'-Lantern Wall Sticker! I like this item, the little outlines on all the pumpkins are a nice touch. And it's nonmember! 
Also, in Outback Imports, we have the Scary Organ once again!
The only scary thing is the price, and for the item it's not that bad...
Cool organ, AJ.
Lastly, we have the Ghostly Rug.
Cute! It's shaped like a bell. Thanks for giving us a lot of nonmember ghost items AJ, you've had a good balance.

So. The box head from yesterday is popular.
Well, I guess only one other person wearing it doesn't qualify it as popular.
I REALLY LIKE THIS BOX HEAD ITEM. I'm putting it on my seal for now.
IT'S SO GREAT. And I love that it's rare, you can show off how cool you are while looking fabulous!

HM. So I saw sarahkey8 and Doomypanda doing this thing called Inktober.
official rules.png
UMMMM. I can do that! I don't think I'll be posting my drawings anywhere but here though, lol.
Image result for inktober
UM. Hm. I've already missed some great themes. Maybe I'll make them up sometime. Maybe I won't!
Anyway... We have the word star.
I guess I can draw a picture. For some reason the word star reminds me of horses. Lol.
UMMMMMM. I tried to draw a starfish on the beach. It really didn't work out. It looks like it's huge and practically on top of the "water".
I'll get a good one some time. HM. I hope I can do this. I will try to do Inktober every day of October now!
Have an inky day and jam on!
P. S. Google Plus is apparently shutting down. I know that's a major communication tool for many bloggers... So... HM. Guess we'll see what happens.
P. P. S. This is leaving!
P. P. P. S. Sorry that it's red, I try to have enough gems for every item so it looks green when I post but not today... Lol.


  1. I didn't know there were prompts XD maybe this will be easier now that I have some idea of what to draw!

    And I love your starfish. I can totally see where you were going with it– a starfish in the foreground and the ocean in the background? Foreground/background stuff is what I struggle with the most :')

    Now that I know there's a prompt list, I will certainly have an inky day!!!

    1. YAY. LOL. Thanks so much! Good luck with your ink!

  2. Nice drawing Q! I heard google plus was shutting down too


1. Just use common sense. Lol.
2. No swearing, sorry. :(
3. Don't be inappropriate.
4. Basically, say things as if you're saying them to a five-year-old.