Saturday, June 9


It's Saturday! And you know what that means!
You don't? I don't either.
 UNDERWATER ITEM! Well, sold underwater, but you can place it on land now.
Click to get to the treasure!
 On land, we also have a Spyglass.
 Arrrr Matey! Wait, I can't say that?!?
 And finally...
New Octopus Claw, these are coming out daily, pretty cool. In the Diamond Shop in Kani Cove.
Also, I saw this, thought it was funny.
Huh, also, do you see the contrast on this?
That's kind of weird... Not game breaking though.
Lastly, the Spring Police Hat is leaving! It's nonmember, get it while you still can! Also, do you see how many items are coming out each day? This is cool! Although the Summer Carnival is a bit slow at the moment... And now that the update is all set and done, what do you think of it? Jam on!


  1. I kinda find it harder to find my water items now that they can be used on land

    1. That's true, there's no way to tell the difference. I guess you have to look at the item and say, is this underwater? Or you can search it up if it matters. But yeah, I kind of wish they kept the symbol. But you still can't wear underwater clothing on land, so you can find the clothing at least.


1. Just use common sense. Lol.
2. No swearing, sorry. :(
3. Don't be inappropriate.
4. Basically, say things as if you're saying them to a five-year-old.