Tuesday, June 12

Sandy Seashells

Good morning Jammers! Happy Tuesday! Let's look at the items that are new!

Daily Item(s):

Name: Sandy Seashells
Recurring: Yes, but it's extremely old
Also, the Dolphin Claw is out, forgot to mention that. It's recurring and it's the final underwater claw thing in the series. (I think)

Leaving Items:

The Spring Chicken Hat is leaving! Get it while you can!
Also, where in Jamaa is this? Comment below!
Lastly, just want to talk a bit about stuff.
Bad photo, oops. But why would you ask for 8-12 den betas? You're 100% going to get 8 every time then! IDK. Why would I trade you 12 den betas when I could trade you 8? How do ya'll feel? Jam on!


  1. That screenshot is from Brady Barr's lab B)

    And I agree... it doesn't seem very thought-out to ask for 8-12 when you're just gonna get 8. Well it depends, maybe a few people might throw in a few extra to try to get their trade accepted.

    And another question: is it normal to even have 8-12 den betas?? The most I've ever had is 4, but then again that's probably because I don't trade lol


    1. Oooh, nice! Normal to have 8-12 den betas? I feel like a lot of people do, many people are like, "Hey, trade me 20 den betas for my neon bow," although it is common to have people exchange den betas for spike wrists.


1. Just use common sense. Lol.
2. No swearing, sorry. :(
3. Don't be inappropriate.
4. Basically, say things as if you're saying them to a five-year-old.