Monday, June 11

Rare Rainbow Scales

Good morning Jammers! Happy Monday! It's a new day! And there are new items!
Daily Item(s):

Name: Phantom Kraken Rug
Recurring: Yes
Name: Rare Rainbow Scales
Recurring: Nope!

This is an interesting rare, seeing as the regular item came back a few days ago.

Also, we've reached 6666 views! Hooray!
Today, I will be stealing some Best Guess facts.
Answers here. Go leave a comment there if you want.
That's all today. Tell me your favorite fruit it you read this though.
Jam on!


  1. Congrats on the views!!! You deserve each and every one of them :D

    Hmm... before looking at the answers, I'd say the hippo one is false, the gecko one is true, and the bee one sounds true...

    And my favorite fruit is... uh... wild blueberry!!!


    1. Nice job on Best Guess, if you were playing you'd have 60 gems right now... Thanks for the comment about the views, I'd say only 500 of them aren't me but thanks. Lol.

      Wild blueberry? That's admirable, store bought ones are different.

      Lastly, it's nice to see your comments again.

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks for the comment! I agree, they are cool, and kind of fun to know!


1. Just use common sense. Lol.
2. No swearing, sorry. :(
3. Don't be inappropriate.
4. Basically, say things as if you're saying them to a five-year-old.