Wednesday, June 20

I Found Prisbluejay AJ OMG!

Happy Wednesday Jammers! No new item, let's just look at ten foxes around Jamaa! Yayyy!
What a name. Lol you can't say it. Fun Fact: Scammers sometimes use complex usernames so people can't spread the word as easily when they scam. Like, who's willing to spend ten minutes finding all those characters to report a scammer? Note: This person is NOT a scammer. (I think)
And that's ten foxes! Now, let's go look around for something interesting.
 *opens Jamaa Township* What?!?
I went up to the wolf and said, I'M YOUR BIGGEST FAN TOO and tried to buddy them. They rejected meh. Nuuuuu... Then who was he/she talking to?
This person?
Never heard of them, are they famous or something?
Oh shoot fifty three subs, this person is REALLY famous. I will get MILLIONS of viewers if I can get them to notice me. Gotta get a screenshot... Let me buddy them... They rejected me too? Nuuu!
Well, I'm not leaving before snagging a little advertisement towards them.

How much you wanna bet they don't check this blog? Lol, I'm actually extremely happy you can say this blog in Jamaa, there's no forbidden words... Maybe I should sit in Jamaa for an hour telling people to come to this blog, I wonder if that would do anything... OOOO what's this?
Terrifying? The Pet Direwolves look like they're really sleepy...
Lastly, these items are leaving...
Kind of weird that Coyotes are like, items...
Lol. Hey, thanks for reading this really weird post, I'm back in like four days! Jam on!


  1. Lots of foxes! OooooHH I CANT BELIEVE YOU FOUND PRISBLUEJAY! IM A REALLY BIG FANXD (I don’t actually know who hat person is)

    1. I feel like someone really famous made a video for everyone to say that, lots of people say that to me, even a lot of people who know me.

  2. I find it a little odd that some animals go on "clearance" without announcement-- does AJHQ not do the whole "coyotes are traveling" thing anymore?

    What if... these animals didn't come back? :0 *dun dun dunnn*


    1. LOL WHAT IF THEY DIDN'T COME BACK... That IS creepy! What if they didn't?

  3. You said you bet I wouldn't see this blog, well i was looking up pictures of myself and found a picture from it and wanted to look at it and soo ya, I have more subscribers now, and I DID check out the blog XD

  4. Why does it think I am unknown? I'm Prisbluejay XD I have never checked out the blog before so IDK much about commenting.

  5. It kept saying that my normal Prisbluejay picture was invalid, I had no idea why so I put a picture of my duckling :) HEHE I litterally still think its HILARIOUS how you said the exact words ''How much you wanna bet they don't check this blog?'' well I DID you can even confirm that this is actually me by just going into Animal Jam I will send you a jag that says ''The Prisbluejay with the duckling picture is me on your blog''


  7. You should make this a more common blog


1. Just use common sense. Lol.
2. No swearing, sorry. :(
3. Don't be inappropriate.
4. Basically, say things as if you're saying them to a five-year-old.