Monday, November 26

Rare Fall Designer Skirt

Hello Jammers! HEY, we've had two people enter some entries for the contest, and THEY ARE FANTASTIC. And it only takes five seconds to enter! Thanks to all who entered, LOLLLLL.
More info in this post.

Anyway, jolly morning to all! Ready for the rare Christmas item that's out? Depending on what they did last RIM, are they just going to make the Holly Bow rare? Or Icicle Antlers rare?

Well, gee golly, I wonder where the RIM is today.
Yes, today we have the Rare Fall Designer Skirt! I have no gems. :P But that doesn't matter because it's member.
See, I really don't understand this, but a lot of people think that today's RIM, despite being worth 3,000 gems, is equal to any RIM.
I traded a Rare Blanket for one. I have no idea how... But three random RIMs appeared in my account. Not that I'm complaining. But I swear I haven't been getting gifts lately in the spin... I'm getting diamonds... AGAIN!?
 This is ridiculous.
I might actually end up doing this in a little bit.
 Meanwhile... I got a Jam-A-Gram from Rainbow000Pegasus...
 Thanks! :D :D :D I like the map! I didn't know you could put one of those on a JAG, it really fits...
Lastly... No items are leaving today... But... The cake is leaving...
 I wonder if it will come back next year.
Notice how you can't have a new tag on a clearance item, lol. GOODBYE CAKE.
 It's sad to see it leave so soon.
Well... Have a diamond day and jam on!


  1. That's weird... I wrote "I like your jokes", but that explains what's going on in my inbox... I didn't know that this glitch infects newer Jam-a-grams too.
    Dang it, AJHQ, check the Jam-a-Gram system.

    Also, it's probably worth one rare as it still could be obtained any time today, so they can keep buying it regardless how many they trade away today.

    1. That's weird, I didn't know about that glitch. But thanks for the compliment! :D I like your jokes, too!

      The thing is... This rare cost 3,000 gems. I know it can be obtained today, but still, an RIM that you can just get so easily, a cheap RIM that everyone has, that you can get from adventures and the daily spin... I feel like the 3,000 gem RIM is worth more. But I guess it's in my favor if other people think otherwise. Or their favor. Lol. Hm, I guess you can still buy it today, though... Hm.


1. Just use common sense. Lol.
2. No swearing, sorry. :(
3. Don't be inappropriate.
4. Basically, say things as if you're saying them to a five-year-old.