Thursday, August 16

PrAnK wEeKeNd

Okay, so tomorrow I want to talk about Juno. To put more emphasis on that, I am posting about the update today! With the risk of having people miss this post.
 Clothing Items!
 These are the only color variants of these items, and seeing as they are items that already exist they are just new limited-edition colors.
Many items do something when you click them, basically every member item does something. Lol.
Okay, so this is where we have to think, what does this mean? THIS IS AJ SAYING THESE ITEMS AREN'T COMING BACK! Therefore, think of in a little bit. Will anyone want these items? Will there be demand? The spider item is actually pretty cool and it's nonmember. But maybe these items won't come back...

 I want a coyote SO BAD and I actually like these! I WANT ONE!!!
 I will be talking more about Juno tomorrow. OH. There's a typo in there! I'll talk about it tomorrow and put it in the post title for views, lol.
 Look at AJ putting effort into an update! In no way shape of form did they have to do this but they did! This is kind of fun.
 Everyone started have Juno arguments. OH! SOME LETTERS!
 Well. I'll talk more about this tomorrow.
 Honeybees! Again. Okay, even though there's nothing really new it's a cool "holiday".
Click the corners to get a honeybee for 400 gems!
 There's a new conservation exhibit. HEY. AJ put a decent amount of effort into an aspect more of us (including me) need to pay attention to. Nice!
 Abstract den items! If you still have them, trade them before they come back! Lol. OH WOW AJ.
 See, THIS IS WHERE AJ has no more content and just puts something random up.
 We have Dash Tag, which you don't need to see.
Okay, okay. Now this is actually interesting. ANIMAL JAM IS ACTUALLY SELLING ANIMAL JAM PENCILS. Look at what AJ's becoming! This is interesting, lol, and I do have to say the Set looks very... Useless. But... WOW AJ I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS I have no idea how I feel about this.

Okay, so there's some new items.

And we have some bee stuff.
 Woah, AJ rearranged the shop format. That's odd.
Sorry. ANYWAY.
There's my post. Interesting update. Again, Juno stole the spotlight on the update and I will be covering it more tomorrow.
Have a special day and jam on!
P. S. There's a new code... "JUNO".


  1. If you do the code "Juno" you will receive a Juno statue on AJ :)

  2. AJ, stop getting so ahead of the game. Autumn isn't for like more than a month and school for some people doesn't start for like another week or two. Not everyone wants to be reminded of school XD

  3. I'm kinda disappointed that there isn't a new adventure, because I can't live without them.
    They ended the whole Juno issue a bit too soon, but the story was interesting. Its really unlike animal jam to kill someone in the game.

    The update wasn't really bad compared to others. (IMPROVEMENT)
    i sTiLL wAnT tHe aAVeNTuRE, lol happy prank weekend

    Gonna drink spilled milk.


1. Just use common sense. Lol.
2. No swearing, sorry. :(
3. Don't be inappropriate.
4. Basically, say things as if you're saying them to a five-year-old.