Saturday, July 21

Star Lamp!

Good morning Jammers! Is Jammers supposed to be capitalized? I don't know. Whatever. Okay, new item!
You can also turn it on by clicking on it.
 Note the shadow that appears on the lamp when it's turned on. Good detail, AJHQ.
This Star Lamp is in a set with the Moon and Sun lamp, so I predict these two items will be coming back. They all left nearly a year ago. Photos from the Animal Jam Wikia.
 We also have a Wristwatch.
 All of these are recurring.
This is out too.
And tuxedos have been out for a bit and I missed it. Oh well. THEY'RE OUT BY THE WAY!!!
Lol. I just realized this. Hey, I made a small page about the Cloud Party, found in the Guide Menu, that's where most of the effort for this post went. But while I was making it, there were some cool things I found. First of all, have you ever tried entering a party you're already in?
And Enchanted Eagles are kind of glitchy.
Or maybe it's just the game. Eh.
Also, if you click this, you get to the World Map of Jamaa.
OMG the Cloud Party was open this morning again and I clicked it right as it disappeared!
I've never seen that before. Have a wicked day! Jam on!
P. S. A new AJ blog has appeared by Beeskness18! Check it out here!
Also, I strongly recommend these other blogs.


  1. Regardless of the party, you can still be moved to a more popular party you're already in. This happens when your current party room is "full" and a new room, a duplicate of the party, is formed. The most "popular" party in AJ normally means the most recent, I believe, and if you're in the most recent one, and no more has been made, you can't move party rooms.

    Also, it happens to all the areas where you click their name locations on the top right, a world map will appear- even in your den, I believe.

    Other than that, thank you for putting my blog link there!

    1. It's absolutely epic to see your comments, I will try to comment on your blog too! Hey, that's a cool tip! I want to make a list of tips for AJ... OMG why aren't we doing that? Thanks for that idea. And yeah, no problem!

  2. Hasn’t that sound feature been there for a long time? XD I don’t really ever listen to music on AJ much anyways:P thanks for featuring my blog !


1. Just use common sense. Lol.
2. No swearing, sorry. :(
3. Don't be inappropriate.
4. Basically, say things as if you're saying them to a five-year-old.