Thursday, July 26


Hi. Good morning. Hello! This is a Frog Hat.
 It is now in stores!
Also, just like in Play Wild...
 Jamaaliday Jam is now in the party menu until Monday!
So it looks like it always does.
 Items that expire in a week? I thought the Jam was only around this weekend... Hmmm...
 You can't buy stuff.
 I tried a few times. Hm.
 Well, let's just stop all the spending and relax in the chocolate pool, that's really the only reason I came anyway...
 Also, this stuff.
 What? NOOOO!!!
Now my socks I've hoarded are worthless. Wait.
You can't buy anything. See these clothing items? You can shop for them like den items. And when you click them, nothing happens. No prompt, no nothing. And so you can't see the colors of anything either. We'll see how long it takes for AJ to fix this.
EDIT: You can buy the Gingerbread Armor that costs diamonds but nothing else.
Look at this. There was a RIOT going on, everyone was spamming angry faces and ranting about how AJ was being mean by not letting them buy stuff. LOLLLLLLL!!!
Have a fancy day! Jam on!
P. S. This is leaving.


  1. My goodness, AJ really needs to fix these glitches of theirs

  2. AHA-
    They had a similar issue on last year's Jamaaliday Jam in summer, except that NONE of the shops were accessible. Clicking on the caravan did no good, and there was one big heck of a riot. Larger than what you pictured, even, but to be fair they only had three shops back then, the caravan, the music and the reindeer. This issue had also happened for the Heatwave Party, earlier in 2017, I believe.

    1. Huh. Wow. You know a lot. That's good to know, thanks for telling me!


1. Just use common sense. Lol.
2. No swearing, sorry. :(
3. Don't be inappropriate.
4. Basically, say things as if you're saying them to a five-year-old.