Monday, July 2

First Day I'm Gone

Happy Monday Jammers! The Rare Item Monday today is the...

Rare Fool's Hat! That's cool. Fool's Hat. What fool? THE FOOL IS YOU! BECAUSE I'M AWAY FROM THIS BLOG AND I CAN'T KNOW WHAT THE RARE ITEM MONDAY IS. I LIED!!! I'M A LIARRRRRRR!!! I feel bad now... Sorry.
Hey, that photo is from last year, it was an RIM in April. Photo from here.

Hey, I also have another announcement. I'm going to think of a cringey joke everyday. Keep in mind I made these up on the spot therefore they are a little lacking, but maybe you'll get a kick out of them.
Hey - What do you get when you mix Star Wars and Cats?

A Lightsabertooth.
AHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAA WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO I’M AWAY AT THE MOMENT! Okie, I’ll think of a better one for tomorrow.

You know how yesterday I was talking about how I have that necklace on trade and I get good trades for no reason... I wonder... What is a necklace worth? Let's go do some trade attempts!
CHECK OUT THIS VIDEO!!! If it's not working just check my channel it should be there.
Tell me what you think! Jam on!


  1. You're really good at video editing. I took a class on it this year and ended up spending five months on a couple mediocre >1 minute things– I can't believe you can just produce quality stuff in a matter of days! :0


1. Just use common sense. Lol.
2. No swearing, sorry. :(
3. Don't be inappropriate.
4. Basically, say things as if you're saying them to a five-year-old.