Thursday, May 24

Update coming? Stone Carved Stove

Good morning Jammers! H O W A R E Y O U A L L T O D A Y? What a great day today's going to be! Well, if you're reading this in the afternoon, good afternoon! Or good night! GOOD DAY! Anyway, let's stop with the play today and hey, let's say the new item, hooray?
Hm. I wanted to be clever or funny, I don't think I did either. ANYWAY. Might be a new update later today, check back to find out! I will post about it if there is!
Here's an item that has appeared... Also, here's something fun that happened... I saw this in Jamaa...
So... If I traded a necklace... Would you accept?
 AHAHAHA YOU LIAR YOU - Wait, you actually accepted?
 Lemme at em!
Stopped screenshotting for those last few. But that was nice of them... That was fun. Thanks to reversedd! So I get that reversedd was rich... What's the coolest / rarest item you've gotten for free? My rarest item I got was actually a spike, some guy was online like, "I'm quitting, anyone want a spike?" I got an orange short spike... Which was epic.

Also... I have a question. You readers all have your own blogs, how did you guys get attention to your blogs when you started them? I want to know, lol. Thanks to all of you again, DoomyPanda, Violet, and Sarahkey8.

Thanks for reading... And, have a nice day and jam on!
This post is short. That's because I expect an UPDATE to be coming, which I will be posting about later on. Check back tonight!


  1. When I first started my blog, it was kind of a unique circumstance. I was a frequent commenter on the now-inactive blog Animal Jam Flash, one of the most popular blogs at the time. The night I made my first post, I read on AJF that the author was going to do a spotlight on readers' blogs, so I commented my URL. I was the first blog featured, and the next day I went from 0 to 200 views.

    I'd say I got most of my views being sorta active in the blogger community. That community is way smaller now, but I'd still recommend trying to get on blogrolls and commenting sometimes on other blogs. The positive side of a smaller blogging community is that it's easier to get noticed within it. :)


    1. That makes sense, and that's what I'm starting to do. And it's nice that everyone in the community's nice, it's really all friendshippy and stuff.

  2. A post about the update will be here in a few hours! Direwolves are out and more! Really epic!

  3. Hmmm, attention doesn't really come fast at the beginning, You kinda just have to wait a bit. What I did when I first got my blog, I would advertise a little bit on blogs that I read and I would go to jamaa township. Also what doomy said, about the blog rolls is a good idea.

    1. You will have more readers soon, it just takes time.


1. Just use common sense. Lol.
2. No swearing, sorry. :(
3. Don't be inappropriate.
4. Basically, say things as if you're saying them to a five-year-old.