Sunday, May 20

Longer Post + Gazelle Horns

Hoooooo boyyyy... Do I have something for you all today! If you are just skimming, just looking for something to comment on, just skim. But I recommend you sit down for a while and read... Should be a fun post today! Not too long, I shortened it and put extra stuff on different pages, it's not as long as it could be. Nevertheless, here's some points...
  • New Item
  • Clearance tab
  • Schedule
  • Necklace to Spike Challenge
  • Epic Den
  • New stuff!
  • Have any art or writing?
Anyway, happy Sunday! What a great Sunday, it's Sunday, it's all chill... It's nice... I hope you're doing okay yourself. Welcome back to another great post on the Animal Jam Sky Blog. I should totally be a newscaster. ANYWAY! The new item...
Gazelle Horns are back! I had no idea they even left again... Hey, you know, I was around when they first came back... Here's a 2014 video of someone getting these...
Link to the video here, but I didn't watch it all the way first, so take caution in case there's something weird or inappropriate. But I remember, these came back... Basically, these were in stores LONG AGO, and then they left, and then they got super rare... They were one of the rarest items in the game, and then... They came back! It was hilarious and sad. But it was also cool, because they look absolutely AMAZING! You can turn any animal into a new animal with these! It was cool. And so now they're back again! I recommend getting one, because they're so cool... AND THE PRICE, OMG, it's the best! I would pay 1,000 for them! Anyway...

Also, the Clearance tab has been updated and will now be up to date, updated every weekend! I will also post the last day when an item is leaving, check this page constantly so you can get some items and animals before they leave! In fact, there's like no items leaving, so I'll post them here too. But you will be able to see if there are any items leaving from ANY shop. (Expect member shops)

Check the COMPLETED Clearance tab here!

Want to know where any of these are? Check the tab! Note: These are all from yesterday.

Also, the schedule. Do you have any ideas? I don't really, but I've made a list and I'm brainstorming. Feel free to email or comment something! And check it out, it's on the right side, a little down... If you have any suggestions, email me! I will share anything you want right now. I also added a little welcome sign, just to say welcome...

Might get rid of the Weekly Quote, that sounds kind of lame. What should I put on Saturday? Ooooh... Also, I might make a contest or video sometime...

Also, someone today in Jamaa...
Okay, my whole Animal Jam career and I've always ignored this dumb necklace to spike trade. Let's search it up... OH, so you start out with one necklace and whatever you get from trading that you trade more until you get a spike. That makes sense, I thought it was just a scam, but I guess it's legit a challenge... I don't see how that would work, you'd probably want to start with more than one necklace... You know, getting a spike through trading was enough, I did that and it took me years. I feel a lot of Jammers don't know the value of a spike until they've put years of effort into it... Those YouTubers who give out one every week... Aughhhh...

Another thing... The Daily Explorer did a post on a den made someone called PhantomWarden...
I went and checked it out... What the heck... MY JAW DROPPED!!! OMGGGGGGG!!!

Look at all this! Go check it out, the museum itself gets a TAD laggy but it's truly amazing... But these photos should show you the scale and effort put into this... How the heck can you do such a thing? Wow... Look at the doors... I assume there's a lot of these... I didn't show the actual museums...

Okay, so that's that. But I also have a surprise...

Okay. So. I have no idea how the heck we're going to make this work. But we can. We're going to have leaderboards for Animal Jam games... Somehow. Maybe. Possibly. Here we go. A new tab has appeared! OMG AS I WAS DOING THIS WHY ARE THERE SO MANY RICH PEOPLE IN BRADY'S LABBBB!!!

Anyway, the Guides tab and Leaderboards tab have both been updated! Check them out, I worked hard on both of them... The Leaderboards tab has very little though. But I'm working on it. Also, I added a top comments thing to the lower left side, check it out! It's kind of fun... Got it from here.
Hey, just... Thanks to you all. You keep me posting, I love getting comments from you guys, and it's really helpful in these early days of posting! Thanks to all three of you... You all mean a lot to me. Violet AJ, thanks for being such a great friend over these years and getting me back into blogging. Sarahkey8, nice to meet you, thanks for being one of the first commenters on the Animal Jam Lake Blog! And 2fangwolf, I am SO happy to have a comment from you, one little touch just to remember you by... Thanks so much for everything, you got me into blogging, you were my childhood, and you truly revolutionized my writing! You got me into writing! So thanks so much, for everything... I can't thank you enough. I can't thank all of you enough! Love you all! Okay, okay, we're done, sorry...

Got any art or writing you want to share? Or anything? Just a comment? Here's some great art by me... Two masterpieces I made ages ago...

As you can see, I'm a master artist. Tell me and I will post anything for you because I have no viewers so we're all friends! So yay! Jam on! DO IT! JAM ON!!!!!!!

P. S. As I was writing this...
Me: If you don't want them can I have them? :)
Image result for sad emoji
Photo from here. Lol. Jam on! (Also, if you're wondering about the changes in animals, they changed when we were speaking)


1. Just use common sense. Lol.
2. No swearing, sorry. :(
3. Don't be inappropriate.
4. Basically, say things as if you're saying them to a five-year-old.