Saturday, May 19

Chef's Hat

Woah! It's Saturday! I am super busy today! Could be a late post tomorrow... Or not, who knows?! The new item today is...
A chef's hat! This is silly item... I like it! I haven't seen it too much, it left stores a year ago, it's cool that they brought it back...

No content today, jam on!

Okay, good catch. That prank is from the old blog, Animal Jam River, one of my favorites. Anyone know any good blogs that are still active? Or any blogs at all that are still active?

I don't really have any content. I have a lot going on into my life, should I rant about my life on here? I don't feel that I should... But we could talk about gun control or LGBTQ+ rights or something... Okay, sorry to talk about that. Anyway! I can bring something up... Here's a link to the article I will mention here.

There's a lot of general information in the article, but something I want to highlight at the start of the article is "Aimed at the 7 – 12 age range..."

Age range is 7 - 12. I know for a fact that most Animal Jam YouTubers are in college. Or at least late high school. Not going to bring up my age, but I'm not within that age group. (What if I'm below it?)

And based off of the tutorial, that is so true. Make an account and check it out! When you first join Animal Jam, it completely hides the hierarchy and social statuses of Animal Jam, which DO exist... I do feel like most the Jammers you'll find on the Aldan server, the rich ones rolling in headdresses and spike collars, those peeps are NOT 7 - 12 years old. There is NO way. I don't see how they could... And so... That's something to think about. We can start with, why?

I think it's the items, and trading. No one wants to sit in a den and have a party, maybe if you all know eachother but the biggest things on Animal Jam is the items aspect, trading... It's mostly just everyone wanting to become richer than they already are. And that's sad... You know, I tell some of my friends, "You should play this game Animal Jam!" and they search it up and see:

And then they click it (sometimes) and they see this.
I know that's an old photo, but the game is supposed to appeal to kids, young kids! And concept-wise it does! And so my friends think it's a dumb game without trying it. And it is kind of a dumb game, it's not so much about making friends anymore, it's just SPIKES RARES OMG!!! It's sad... I remember I said this four years ago, I said that I wished there was an Animal Jam server where everyone had every item. Imagine that. It sounds like communism. But if everyone had the same items then people would wear what they wanted to instead of showing off their rares. And then anyone could hang out with anyone. Because the rares system really... It's basically, the rarer you are, the cooler.

Headdressed Arctic Wolf with spike collar: Come check out my party!

*gets 20 jammers*
Non-member seal wearing a flower necklace: Come check out my party!

Now, it is partially because if you have more items you look like you know what you're doing more. But even if that non-member seal had some rares on, it's just different. And it's not like anyone parties anymore... I do admit that I fall into the rare-wearing category, my whole outfit is now based off of non-member rares... And even then I'm not rare enough, I went to a party and someone's like, "Oh, I'm the only rare person!" I'LL HAVE YOU KNOW I HAVE THREE RARE ITEM MONDAYS!!! (I have more, but seriously)

Hm. Just comment something. I kind of got off topic. Expect a big post tomorrow, I'm going to do all the clearance items, and maybe make a schedule for the blog. Thanks to all, and as always, jam on!

Okay, the post is actually over now.


  1. There actually is a lot of good active AJ blogs.


    2. Animal Jam Whip, Weekly Jammer News, Animal Jam Jumble, Animal Jam community, Animal Jam Friendship Commmunity, Animal Jam Artists Collab, Animal Jam Stream, And more (though I can’t think of the namesXD)




1. Just use common sense. Lol.
2. No swearing, sorry. :(
3. Don't be inappropriate.
4. Basically, say things as if you're saying them to a five-year-old.