Monday, May 28

Happy Memorial Day

Happy Memorial Day Jammers! And if you're not in America Happy Monday!
Here's the new item. Sorry about the late post... Go read that. Jam on! (LOL)
Get off AJ and go wave some flags!
EDIT: Clearance page has been updated more, I missed some stuff yesterday.
EDIT AGAIN: Okay, I skipped my shower to write more for this post. Lol. I will try to warn you guys if I post late again. And I DID SHOWER YESTERDAY AFTERNOON!!!
So let's go find something interesting in Jamaa.
How do you guys like this center text?
Wait, WHAT'S THIS?!?
Wait, where's the children?
Okay, let's look at these wings. Not to say that this guy was doing it, because it would be wrong to assume, but see his wings? Those are really close to the rare, black nonmember ones.
From here.Image result for fake beta tiara ajImage result for beta tiara ajFrom here.
See these two tiaras? This is the difference between something worthless and one of the rarest items in the game. Animal Jam has many items with very similar counterparts, and in which many people have gotten scammed. Of course, if you're that rich and smart to be messing with beta tiaras, you should be able to tell the difference. But how do you feel about these items?
That's kind of a dumb question. Whatever. Jam on!



  1. Eh... It's kind of annoying that some items like the "beta" tiara and "glitched" items are only popular because they are slightly abnormal– not necessarily because they look cool. If there wasn't a Cupid Wing glitch, no one would care about Cupid Wings.

    Of course, when I used to trade a lot I used "glitched" stuff as trading fodder in order to get stuff I actually wanted, but wear them around? Heck no. It seems like some people only wear them to distinguish themselves as "rare"– but I guess I understand some people who wear "glitchy" items because they feel like they worked hard for them.

    And no, this isn't a dumb question. I hadn't actually thought of this before!


    1. I agree, it'd be cool to see what would happen if everyone had the same items and everyone had the same rarity.


1. Just use common sense. Lol.
2. No swearing, sorry. :(
3. Don't be inappropriate.
4. Basically, say things as if you're saying them to a five-year-old.