Wednesday, May 23

Chinese Evergreen Plant

It's Wednesday again! Hooray! Or meh. I don't know, Wednesdays are Wednesdays... Why do we spell Wednesday Wednesday? It should be Wensday... Okay, anyway! The new item is...
 The Chinese Evergreen Plant! THIS LOOKS SO PRETTY! I love it! I would totally buy this if I was member, I love the look, I wonder how big it is... It's in Treetop Gardens.
 Also, while looking around, I found these items being cleared today... The Lobster Tail is in Epic Wonders, and the plants are from Treetop Gardens...

Let's check the schedule! Item showcase? I don't want to do an Item Showcase today, that's kind of boring... I should make a more interesting segment, like, Jamaa history! OMG!!! I SHOULD MAKE A DOCUMENTARY ON FMAN122! Do you know who that was? Okay, anyway... (I say anyway a lot)

Also, our poll has ended! Let's take a look...
I would say the ratio of votes is accurately 3 grape, and 2 apple, I really voted a lot of different accounts because I check this in a wide-range of places. I'm pretty sure. I won't rig it this time. Hey, that was fun though... There's another one up in which I will only vote once.

OKAY... I tried adding the poll, and first I removed the poll gadget, and now it's not showing up. What happened to the gadget? This is delayed until I figure it out, lol.

I don't have anything to post about today. OH YEAH - Here's some eagles in Jamaa.
Fun! Which one do you like best? Haha... I'll have better content tomorrow... A short and sweet post today. Actually, now that I think about it, I think this post still has enough content. A short post is easier to read... I think it's okay... I still put effort into it... I think the longer the post the less likely someone will read it all the way... I don't know. As always, jam on!
Also, saw this online, from here. Lol.
Image result for animal jam memes


  1. I always love the nature items!

    1. I agree, they're so cool... But they're not rare, so no one pays attention to them...

  2. This reminded me that eagles are being removed from the Diamond Shop-- if you go there and check, they're either on clearance or are already gone. I hope it'll be explained in this week's update.


    1. Yeah, it's interesting, and it would've been a big deal long ago but we have owls and stuff now so it's okay. Although - Eagles are pretty popular so sorry to people who want one but have to wait.

      Yeah, if do want to know what's being cleared check this blog on Sundays or check the clearance page. Because things don't go on clearance more than ten days in advance just by checking this blog you can see every clearance item before it expires. Lol, sorry to sales pitch you.

  3. Interesting Eagles you found thereXD

    1. Why, thank you! Just for fun, glad you looked at them!


1. Just use common sense. Lol.
2. No swearing, sorry. :(
3. Don't be inappropriate.
4. Basically, say things as if you're saying them to a five-year-old.