Monday, May 21

Rare Soccer Ball Hat + Small Adventure

Monday. Again. Wow, this blog has been going for a week! At this rate, in a year we could get fifty thousand views! I wonder if this blog will last that long... Anyway... Rare Item Monday...
Rare Soccer Ball Hat! OMG, I love the colors... A tad pricey, but watcha gonna do...
Also, these items are now leaving. AND... Another item has come to the shop!
 Goes along with that Mushroom Table we got a few days ago... Great!

So it's been a week. It's time to reflect. What are the odds that this blog exists tomorrow? In two days? A week? A year? Two years? How's it going?

First of all I can say I'm not bored. I have lots of content still and I look forward to posting every single time. However, today is the first time I realized I had to post, and I'm posting because I have to, not because I like... I'm posting because I need a post tomorrow, not because I 100% want to. Yes, I do want to post, which is why I'm putting this over other work... But it's settling in, and this upcoming week will be that week where it's like, is this blog going to keep going or will I quit? There's that moment in a lot of YouTubers where they post a lot at first, and then they find it's too hard, and I'm going to have to see how hard this will be... Anyway...

I don't have a lot of content, I have no energy for a lot of things, so I'm just going to go into Jamaa and find something interesting.

So I saw this... A lot of Jammers do this... So I thought... Wouldn't it be funny to do that? They had rare spikes and stuff on their trade, but I thought it would be funny to look really dumb and then have literally nothing on trade... So I did!
After a bit, I got into Wootmoo's den with all of the other rich people.
 And then I got desperate, I just wanted a trade...

It's so sad... But after five minutes or so I did get a trade.
Finally! Alright, that took a while. I guess this person felt bad for me. Wait, OMG!!!
They accepted! Is this the new strategy for free rares? I thanked them... And then I gave it back, I felt kind of cheap because while I'm not rich I have enough rares. But I met a new friend in the process...
 Lol, so that was a tiny adventure. I thought it was hilarious, I was being honest, RARER THAN I LOOK, because I was trading rarer items that what I looked like! Sort of... Idk, tell me what you think. It's nice to know that there are some nice people... Not that the other people were mean in any way... And without further ado... Have a lovely day and jam on!


  1. Thanks for telling me about your blog, it looks amazing! Definitely adding it to the blogroll :D

    I get where you're coming from about posting because you feel obligated to, not because you want to. That happens to me sometimes, mostly because school is so exhausting, so I don't post as frequently as I used to.

    However, because there's a lot of time in between each post, I have more time to gather content-- I feel good about every post I make.

    I think this blog has a ton of potential so I would love if you kept posting, but just know that it's fine to have gaps in your posting schedule. :)


    1. Well, first things, you're going right onto the blogroll for me as well... I do see what you're saying about in between time, I do write most of my posts the day before...

      Hey, I'll keep posting if people keep listening. Thanks so much, I appreciate you seeing that potential. ALSO - My heart soars when I get a comment, so thank you so much, I love the comments. I will be sure to check out your blog more often...

      Thanks so much! Love the comment!

  2. Don’t worry about posting everyday Q! Lots of bloggers don’t actuallyXD

    1. True, but I do want to... It gives me a sense of satisfaction!

  3. Don't worry about not poasting everyday Q, I'm pretty sure most don't (I can't think of any that do, so you're fine! The ones that do have posts up everyday usually have more then one author)

    1. That's true, I've seen more than one author a lot...


1. Just use common sense. Lol.
2. No swearing, sorry. :(
3. Don't be inappropriate.
4. Basically, say things as if you're saying them to a five-year-old.