Thursday, December 20


Hello Jammers! Okay, I haven't had good posts lately... I know. My parents don't want me blogging, lol. But I have a story! And here's something fun, my parents don't read my blog! So I can sort of... Well, you'll see. I feel a tad guilty about something.

So I had a violin lesson. I play the violin (or I'm learning it), I actually didn't know how to play it when I originally started this blog. But yeah, I went to my violin lesson last night and something odd happened.
So... I have a very popular teacher, and so before and after me there were other students doing violin/piano lessons with her. (We do violin lessons at her house) When I was leaving (she gave me candy :D) the next student, some girl, walked through the doorway as I was exiting, she didn't respond to my gestures... But whatever, I had to drive home.
I got into the car and turned on some music, turned onto my lights... (It's pitch black outside)
OH. YEAH. I can drive. I literally got my license like three months ago. Anyway, I started to back out of the driveway. This driveway is nice and big, you can actually fit two cars on it side by side. And that's where the other girl's car was parked, on one side of the driveway while I was backing out on the other side.
I was watching my right side to make sure I didn't go off the driveway, and as a result of my ignorance...
I don't know how to do it. LOL. But basically, my left hand mirror scraped the right side of the students car. It sounds like a windshield wiper.

I stopped the car immediately as I figured out what happened.

But I didn't swear at all! :D I was like, dang it, and I pulled forward.

Now luckily, the girl and my violin teacher were in the back of the house, so they couldn't see that I was still there. (THANK GOODNESS) But I pulled forward, and then got out of the car with my phone as a flashlight to check out the damage.

At first, it didn't look that bad. It was like, a white spot (the other student's car was black) on the car about the size of your index finger, and I wiped it, and it actually started coming off. HEY! Maybe I just got a little paint from my car on theirs! (Or my parents' car LOL)

But no. There was a permanent faded spot on their car, under their right hand mirror. If you rubbed your finger on it, the car was still smooth.

Now obviously, I don't want to go into the violin lesson and disturb her... So what could I do?

What about a note?
I grabbed a sheet of paper from a notebook and a sharpie.

I really don't remember what I wrote. But I'll try to mimic it.

My name is XXXXXX and I scratched your car. I am the guy you saw when you went into your lesson. I am very sorry and would be happy to pay whatever needs to be paid for. The scratch is under your right headlight. I am dreadfully sorry. Text/call me at (MY PHONE NUMBER). I hope you have a good winter break. - MY NAME

I put this note in the door handle to their car.

But... What if... What if they were really mad? What if when they told their parents, their parents told them not to get money from me... And just to ignore the scratch?
Is this note really enough?

BECAUSE I'M ACTUALLY TRYING TO GROW UP A BIT I actually had my wallet, which contained an American one dollar bill, a twenty dollar bill, and two fifties. (My grandparent had given me 100 dollars for Christmas which was really, really nice)
First thought: Let's leave them a twenty.

I sat there for quite a while... thinking. TWENTY. What if they really don't care? I could go on with my life... 20 dollars is good money... Do I really need to give it to them?

No, I decided. Too much. And one dollar would just be sad. It was better not to put anything. If they truly needed money, they would text/call me.

I got back into my car and turned it back on.

Then I went back and put the twenty dollar bill in the note.

MAYBE THEY'LL AT LEAST SEE THAT I CARE. Because if they actually did need money, calling me up and scheduling something is a lot of work. And even if they didn't care about the money, they have holiday money, I guess.

I started to back out again. I almost hit their car again, but I managed to squeak my way past it. It was tricky.

DID I DO IT RIGHT?! LIKE. It's kind of a fun story. But what if that was like, a car they bought with their own money, and they don't have insurance... Like... That car wasn't extremely expensive, but it was nice, and it has very few dents/scratches. While this scratch wasn't standing out too much, it definitely stood out if you were looking at the car. It looked like a smudge. But it's PERMANENT.

But yeah. Glad I got that story out. I don't know how easy it is to read, but it feels good to get it out, and that's what's important. If you can read it, great, it's a fun story! But I have homework tonight actually, lol, I wasted a half hour scratching someone's car, so I have less time for this. Hehehe...

So yeah.
Anyway, let's check out the new item.
Masterpiece Token. YAY! LOL. Okay, I'm late for school.
Have a masterpiece day and jam on!


  1. Ack yikes! That story, whoa. I know how easy it is to hit a parked car on a driveway, it’s happened a few times at my house. XD

    I think you did the right thing. ;) That was honorable!

    1. Also, I really really enjoyed the story. Your storytelling skills are amazing!

  2. Hopefully the scratch on the car gets sorted out,

  3. Well, I certainly wouldn't put money out in the open. I would definitely leave a note, or send a message to the teacher, or if I have time I could definitely wait. If the girl just came I also assume she's probably just setting her violin ready (unless you all use one violin that belongs to the teacher?) so it should have been OK to go back and interrupt for a bit?
    I have no idea what one does in a violin lesson class.
    How are you enjoying violin so far? The last time I played a violin the bow was really bad it was hard for me to enjoy it due to that-


1. Just use common sense. Lol.
2. No swearing, sorry. :(
3. Don't be inappropriate.
4. Basically, say things as if you're saying them to a five-year-old.