Tuesday, December 11

Jamaaliday Musketeer Hat

Good morning! How's it going! :D Happy Tuesday! New item!
 OMG, we have Musketee Hats! Awesome! More nonmember member stuff! :D
They look pretty cool. :3
We also have the Candy Cane Pathway in Jam Mart Furniture.
Not sure why it wasn't in Outback Imports with the rest of the pathways, but cool! :D Kind of expensive for a pathway though... Every other one is 450...
We also have Paw Candy! :D Classic item! 

 And... Lastly... We have...
Beaded Necklace... Huh. Again. Idk if that's Jamaalidays or not, but cool! :D I like the detail! (It's recurring)

I've been seeing a lot of cool usernames lately. :O

Lol, I love them.

OH. You know something funny?
Jammer 1: Hey, want to trade?
Nonmember Jammer 2: Sure!
Jammer 1: How about a rare spike for that RIM of yours?
Nonmember Jammer 2: Sorry, I don't like member items.

Idk why people do that.


Have a stupendous day and jam on!


  1. I love how AJ is releasing cool NEW items this year for the advent. <3 and so many new nonmember things!


1. Just use common sense. Lol.
2. No swearing, sorry. :(
3. Don't be inappropriate.
4. Basically, say things as if you're saying them to a five-year-old.