Thursday, December 8

Pink Glossies ACQUIRED + Jamaaliday Musketeer Hat

Howdy, jammers! The new item this morning is...

The Jamaaliday Musketeer Hat! Very nice. :)

I believe these are both new today... Haven't really been keeping track though.

Two classics. :) Jamaalidays are a chill time.

Anywho, I decked out my den.

Looks great. I LOVE THE RARE PINK COUCH. But even better...

We have PINK GLOSSY CUPIDS!!! Ayyyyy!

So if you didn't know, I traded these for the 1st Bday Cake back in 2018. My logic was that glossy cupids could be changed at any point, whereas the cake was unlikely to come back. Not only that, but it would complete my cake collection!

So I ended up having to trade 2.5 solids, instead of the red long from back in 2018. XD Oh well. What's crazy is that these things are literally getting rarer each day. I'm 90% sure a week ago, it said these were worth 2-2.5 solids on the AJ Worth Wiki, and now it's 2.5-3.

But yeah!!! We got them. GG. :D

So now... I'm trying to figure out what I want to do. Main goal is over. But I think going for a bunch of unobtainable RIMs could be fun.

Have a great Thursday!

Have a glossy day and jam on!


  1. Ooo love the pink den!! The rare pink couch is the same color as rhododendron flowers.

    Congrats on all the great rare item gains recently!!

    If you want ideas for a r e a l l y lofty goal, promo items like the alpha set are probably impossible to trade for-- I know the alpha training mat is listed at around 12 black long collars, but the item worth wiki even lists some of them as being like 200 black long collars, and outside of hacking how do you even get that many?? It's mystified me, lol

    1. Just google rhododendron, the flowers look beautiful! Thank you so much. That goal seems CRAZYYY. I have no idea how I'd get there. XD Some people seem to have that much stuff tho somehow.

      There also just seem to be some items that are so rare you can't even trade for them, there's just like only 3 or so.


1. Just use common sense. Lol.
2. No swearing, sorry. :(
3. Don't be inappropriate.
4. Basically, say things as if you're saying them to a five-year-old.