Saturday, November 19

Pumpkin Fox + Wholesome Advice

 Starting off Saturday morning... With OH BABY!

Also... We have the new item, Pumpkin Fox!

I love it! Looks like a great price, and it's just a silly and creative item. Awesome!

So I was looking around Jamaa... What is THIS?!?

There's so much that's new... Yet. After looking around. It's mostly the same.

It just feels the same. Everyone's chilling, trading, and playing. The biggest thing is that there's way less people now that Flash has ended. Makes sense. I'm really glad it's still around. :) But yeah, you can definitely see the deficit in players.

WAIT! DID THEY ADD PONIES? I want to try and cover everything new at some point. Maybe I'll get a membership for fun.

As for my main account q1zx, I'm still hopeful, but there's a chance I may not be able to get my account back. I have sent them so much information, but my parents change their credit card #s frequently, so I might be missing information that AJ needs. It's kind of silly though. I have so much information about the account, but they really need a lot. I'm not worried yet about it, but we'll keep an eye on it.

Man, this place is mostly the same. I remember so much. The art is just all the same.

Apparently, according to AJ Worth, glossy pink cupid wings are now worth 3 Black Longs. Right before I stopped playing back in 2018, I traded them for the 1st B-Day cake so I could have them all.

The B-Day cakes have not seem to gone up in value, lol. Part of me still wants to be a rich jammer, but my most memorable AJ moments were all ones that didn't involve rares. I still have like 400 diamonds from the bug back in 2018, so maybe I'll try and go for a Black Long so I can finally get the closure I wanted after all these years. XD

YOOOOO WHO REMEMBERS THESE THINGS?!? These were so fun back in the day. Awww... Kimbara Outback is playing right now. The music in this game, man. I added Winter Dance to my main playlist, maybe I'll add some more songs. These are bangers.

It is interesting seeing all the new items. That's probably the biggest difference.

OKAY! Let's do something juicy. I found someone asking for someone to talk to.

I went to their den, and it was them, me, and another bunny.

And the girl wolf wanted advice...

So kitzcyl comes in, and gives AMAZING advice! I won't show every little thing, but just look at this:

kitzcyi even glanced at this blog. Ahhhh... That was so sweet. Seeing a Jammer ask for advice, and then having someone come to their den and help them... Just so wholesome. <3

Hopefully future posts aren't as long as this. I mean, long isn't necessarily bad... More content is fun. But it's nice to not have an overwhelming post. If I do have a long post, I want to it to be focused on something, rather than random.

Have a wholesome day and jam on!


  1. Aww :') love the wholesome moments you can find on AJ. I've found that there are a surprising amount of nice people, you just gotta look for 'em.

    Yeah, Flash going away has definitely made an impact-- I learned recently that it's actually the reason why AJC has had less updates. Apparently the desktop app is like a mini-browser that still runs Flash, which makes it really hard to add new things to it without bugs. Though I've heard there's a bit of hope that WildWorks could bring AJ back to browsers eventually now that Nazara is backing it!

    AAA I've missed your writing style! Thanks for posting yet again <3

    1. Ahhhh, I see, that makes sense. Yeah, absolutely. :) It's really cool seeing people just playing the game. Not that there's anything wrong with going to for items.

      YAY! Thank you! :) It's great to post again. I really appreciate that, your comment made my day. Cheers! <3


1. Just use common sense. Lol.
2. No swearing, sorry. :(
3. Don't be inappropriate.
4. Basically, say things as if you're saying them to a five-year-old.