Tuesday, June 30

A Post

Woah... Blogger got an update.

It appears the new item is a Pitcher of Lemonade. I'm not sure how new it is - but it wasn't available 2 years ago.
I also see some freedom items available.
Hey - how are you? Whoever's reading this... I love you.
I'm here to give a short, sweet, and simple message.

My YouTube channel - with a bit of effort and a heap of luck, has blown up into more than I can ever dream.

As much as I hate to say it... Switching from Animal Jam changed my life. Rainbow000Pegasus, DoomyPanda, Violet, Lostfairy, Sarahkey8, and everyone out there - you guys are so talented. I really recommend trying something with more exposure - you can truly do great things. But if Animal Jam makes you happy, no reason to stop it I suppose.

YouTube has been great. While it never truly replaced blogging, I've met a lot of great people. I'm very happy. (most of the time - I still have sad moments of course :P)

I really cherish everyone I met along the way. This blog made me cry when I quit. It was a true honor.
Anyone reading this - if you want to contact me, I have a Discord: https://discord.gg/nkHZYnc. Please just go to the #message-Alukian tab and say you were from here, and hopefully I will see it and I can message you. Alternatively, you can try emailing me at q1zxaj@gmail.com - but I'm less likely to see it.

FOLLOW YOUR DREAMS. YOU ARE AWESOME, BEAUTIFUL, AND SPECIAL, AND YOU CAN DO ANYTHING!!! Go grow up, do awesome things with awesome people, and be yourself.

Have an awesome day and jam on!


  1. What a surprise to see this pop up on my dashboard! Good to see you, Q!

    I was actually really shocked and touched that you mentioned me on here. Wow. Thanks, man, that's so sweet of you. <3

    Man. Blogging. I haven't truly done that in years. I thought I could switch my blog over to art but it looks like blogging has become too much for me. I am really active on Instagram if you're interested, @lostfairyart. ^^

    Thanks again for this. I hope you're doing well. I hope life has been treating you well even when the world's crazy.

    Stay safe, Q!

  2. Hello q!! I'm glad that you're doing well, and your YT is doing well!
    I see you do put a lot of effort on your channel, and I'm really happy for you. I do hope that you are doing well (I know you mentioned you are in your comment, but-) and that you're in a good place right now. Life's been pretty crazy for a lot of us.
    I'm considering on starting on a DnD project with my friend for exposure but we'll see how that goes since I'm trying to juggle a number of projects at the moment right now.

    Same as Lostfairy above, I'm also more active on my IG (same username), don't really use Discard much.

  3. Hey Q! I have kinda faded away from the animal jam blogging community... Just gotten occupied with other passions and focuses. Glad to see you are doing good and still youtubing :))

  4. Heyy! I don't know if you remember me and I'm glad you're doing well with youtube. It's Penguin55544, posting on a different account. I was going through old blogs from friends of mine, and I noticed how you switched over to Youtube, pursued a passion there, and it payed off. I started my own YT channel a little bit ago and I just wondered if you had any tips - I really want to pursue a passion through social media and I just wanted to know if you knew any inside information that could help a beginner youtuber pick up.

    My channel is sidney_lolololol

    If that doesn't show up on the Youtube search bar, try searching for one of my videos, titled "Getting Back In The Lab"

    I don't know if you'll read this but if not, maybe one day you'll see my comment! Good luck with YT and I wish you all the best.

    P.S. this username is weird, it's from a school account I made in 6th grade lol

  5. AAAAA I can't believe I missed this post when it came out. You probably won't end up seeing this comment, but in the off-chance you come back here just to check, just know that I truly appreciate you. I keep checking back on your YouTube channel and I'm just so amazed and so happy that you've found this passion :')

    Right now I'm going into my second year of college, double majoring in environmental studies and animation, and all around pretty nervous lol. Life and depression is a big struggle but AJ and AJ blogging have always been a sanctuary for me, I just can't imagine stopping, haha

    Whatever point you come back here to check on your blog for old time's sake, I wish you the best in your life moving forward! May you always have more happy times than sad times, and may the happy times just keep growing <3


  6. Ayy, glad you're doing well! Your blog was an inspiration to me, and while I'm not sure if you'll see this but I'm glad your yt channel is going well :-)


1. Just use common sense. Lol.
2. No swearing, sorry. :(
3. Don't be inappropriate.
4. Basically, say things as if you're saying them to a five-year-old.